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SPICE is composed of total 53 processes of which ASPICE selected 31 processes.
In particular, HIS evaluates the improvement and ability of supplier focusing on the 15 core processes.

ASPICE assessor is managed by INTACS (International Assessor Certificate Scheme: independent non-profit corporation).


The assessor rating is managed by dividing into three types.

ASPICE (Automotive SPICE)

Based on ISO 15504, as automotive domain specific system and SW process improvement and ability evaluation model established by Automotive Special Interest Group (SIG) of Europe, the major vehicle manufacturers (AUDI AG, MBW AG, Daimler Chrysler AG, Fiat Group Automobiles SpA, Jaguar Land Rover, Dr. Ing. H.c.F. Porsche AG, Volkswagen AG and Volvo Car Corporation) are participating.

ASPICE model is composed of 2D : process dimension and capability dimension, which is divided into CL (Capability Level) and ML (Maturity Level) and the maturity level is evaluated by 0~5 grades. ASPICE performs the assessment based on PAM (Process Assessment Model) V2.5 and the reference model, PRM (Process Reference Model) includes ISO 12207, 15288, CMMI etc.

Composition of ASPICE Model

For what purpose is the ASPICE used?

ASPICE is used for process assessment, process improvement and process ability determination for the improvement of automotive system and SW process.

Expectation Effect of ASPICE

CMMI 기대효과
Type Immature process organization Mature process organization
Process unstable and repeated the trials & errors
  • Developer - impromptu
  • Manager – focusing on solving the occurred problems
The process in the level of organization and execute according to the planned process
  • Manager – focusing on the quality of project and customer satisfaction
  • No objective standard for quality measurement
  • Excessive schedule and cost, Reduction or cancellation of quality activity such as test etc.
  • Objective and quantitative standard
  • Continuous re-engineering through evaluation
CMMI 기대효과
Benefits Level 1-2 Level 2-3 Level 3-4
Defect reduction rate 12% 40% 85%
Development period reduction rate 10% 38% 63%
Cost reduction rate 8% 35% 75%
Schedule deviation 145% 24% 15%




Domestic model based PI consulting pioneer


  • 1999 : Started the assessment advice for CMM Level 2~3 (POSCO ICT)
  • 2002: Started CMMI based PI consulting (HANJIN Information Communication)
  • 2012: Started the ASPICE-based PI consulting (DAESUNG Electric)