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DATE : 06-10-26 14:44
TL 9000 요구사항 핸드북(R4.0)-Appendixs 위치안내
 WRITER : admin
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QuEST Forum 공식연수기관인 비즈피어㈜입니다.

TL 9000 요구사항 핸드북 4.0 릴리즈에 따른 개정사항에 대해 알려드립니다.

기존 TL 9000 요구사항 핸드북 3.5 까지는 부록이 요구사항 핸드북 내에 포함되었으나, 4.0으로 개정 되면서 QuEST Forum 웹사이트로 옮겨졌습니다.

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TL 9000 Accreditation Body Implementation Requirements
(Appendix A) (PDF, 21KB)
Includes criteria for registrar qualification, registrar auditor qualifications, certificates, and upgrading of registrar accreditation to include TL 9000.

Code of Practice for TL 9000 Registrars
(Appendix B) (PDF, 13KB)
Defines requirements and restrictions for TL 9000 registrars.

Registration Guidance
(Appendix C) (PDF,11KB)
Basic steps for obtaining and maintaining a TL 9000 registration.

Migration Path, Audit Days, and Requirements Origin
(Appendix D) (PDF,15KB)
Defines the migration path from other registrations, the number of audit days required for a registration audit, and the origin of TL 9000 requirements.

Alternative Method for Maintaining TL 9000 Certification/Registration
(Appendix E) (PDF, 39KB)
Describes an alternative to periodic audits for maintaining a TL 9000 registration.

Guidance for Communication with Customers
(Appendix F) (PDF, 21KB)
Describes four possible approaches for establishing mutually-beneficial communications between an organization and its customers.

Qualification and Experience Requirements for TL 9000 Registrar Auditors
(Appendix G) (PDF, 21KB)
Defines minimum requirements for TL 9000 auditors.

Set Up and Operation of a Design Process Measurement System
(Appendix H) (PDF, 31KB)
Provides guidance for the selection and implementation of design and development process measurements.

QuEST Forum 한국공식연수기관


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